voice actor

about me
1. I have been doing voiceovers professionally for over twenty years, and theater even longer than that.
2. My dad, who was an architect, designed and built my vocal booth. It is quite sound-proof, but I still have to put my cockatiel downstairs when I'm recording. He's a loud sonofagun.
3. I love to study dialects, and can mimic many different ones. Favorite dialect: "vaguely European," for that global, "I'm-not-sure-where-she's-from" sound.
4. I'm crazy for Shakespeare. Not sure if that has anything to do with voice-over, but there it is.
5. Contrary to what this photo might indicate, my cat, Wendell, does NOT do voiceover. Please don't encourage him.

Drop me a line at kristin@kristinlennox.com
or call me: 317-319-0266